RM Partners and Greater Manchester Vanguard - Patient Feedback


Your opinion and experience of the services you receive is very important to us.

Thank you for visiting the RM Partners and Greater Manchester Vanguard patient experience homepage.

Please take a few minutes to tell us what you thought of your recent care experience.

Which service did you recently visit? Please select a location or care setting from the options below, or enter the service code into the box provided.

If you have been given a code, please enter it here:


Fairfield General Hospital (The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust)

3. Select service to begin your review

Rochdale Infirmary (The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust)

3. Select service to begin your review

Rochdale Infirmary (The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust)

3. Select service to begin your review

Fairfield General Hospital (The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust)

3. Select service to begin your review